
my newest project

so last week tracie, dani and i went to fiber arts. we absolutely loved it! it has a whole bunch of different rooms, with different kinds of yarn....and lots of places to sit and do your business whether it be crochet or that other stuff with pointy sticks...while there we all decided to make a pair of socks together as a crochet-a-long. thanks tracie for the idea!! :o) here's a pic of my sock so far and the yarn i'm using.
i also bought some wool, *not pictured yet* so i can learn to felt. i'm gonna make a purse. dani has already made the purse, but just to help me out, she's gonna make another one :o) thanks dani!
ok that's it for now...maybe i won't take another month to post again...we'll see... :o)


Tracie said...

Yay! You posted! And I have my own label!!! :)

I like the new layout. :)

Friday if you want we'll get you through the heel section. I'm about to start another pair of these socks in a different yarn. And bring your wool, I'll let you play with my swift and winder and get it down to cakes so you can use it. :)

~dani said...

your so very welcome babes!!!!!
I'm stuck on my sock :( I'm sure our lovable sweetness Tracie will help me through :)