
lsp 2 done :o)

hello -

i finished lsp 2 - round doily. i didn't complete it like i should have, i skipped a few rows. i didn't like rounds 25 through 29, so i skipped them and just ended with the last row the way the chart said to end it :o) and as you can see, it did lay flat after a good soak in water, stretch and iron!!
i really need to get a doily stretcher or a corkboard to be able to lay my doilies and stretch them....they come out nicer that way.....maybe that can go on my christmas list :o)
i've started my ksp from the same group (i can't mention the name of the group due to issues from other groups and trolls....LOL) and i like it so far, not to difficult, but the instructions said to use a #1 hook and it's so fat of a hook, it feels weird in my hand....i do miss my #7 :o)
see ya,

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