
cgoa conference, knit and crochet show, happy easter

i'm going! woo hoo! i finally picked out the classes i'm taking. flight is paid for, hotel reservations made, all i have left is to actually register! :o) for those of you that don't know, it's in buffalo new york. i've got family there and in rochester (45 minutes away) so i just might call my cousin so we can have lunch or dinner :o) i really need to sit down and get this blog up to date! i've made lots of mini doilies and i have to update ravelry too....maybe later this week.

oh by the way, happy easter! i've had a lovely day with my parents. we went to mass at 11am then came back to the house, had a light lunch. i started washing clothes. we watched 'west side story'. then we had lasagna for dinner and i'm stuffed!

ok enough for now,
see ya,

1 comment:

~dani said...

well happy easter to you too mama!! Yah I'm so glad your going to the conference, wish I could go...but maybe another year. I know you'll bring back a few goodies :)